“Vi använder Secway som vår in-house advisor kring strategy, medtech compliance och innovation. Det har varit oerhört värdefullt för oss, att ha tillgång till rätt kompetens både för kortsiktiga och långsiktiga beslut, och Secway levererar varje gång, och förstår våra behov.”
VD, Mondian AB
”It makes such a difference to have access to a senior security expert in our R&D team. It has helped us establish the right security level internally, helped us in risk assessment and threat modelling, and has also given us the input to stakeholders, needed to steer the project in the right direction.”
R&D Manager Software, Automotive OEM
”Very useful to have someone that help guide us in our Digital PKI IoT project. The experience and clarity in what our alterantives are, and what pitfalls we face in our project, has helped us make the right decisions, and have resulted in reduced risk in our IoT project”
Project Leader – Product Digitalization Project